Custom Print Any Picture on Your Shirt

Need a custom printed shirt for a gift, special event or just to show off? Worldwide Shirts can help you with that!

We use Direct-to-Garment printing to create a high-quality, professional image of just about anything on a t-shirt of your choice.

It's perfect for:

  • One-of-a-Kind Gifts
  • Birthday Parties
  • School Groups and Clubs
  • Family Reunions
  • and so much more

How does it work? You can place your order online and instantly upload your picture. Images of a single subject in a resolution 1000 pixels or larger works best. You can upload from your cellphone, computer, or services like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Our printing professionals can create a single masterpiece for you, or outfit your whole group or event with hundreds of shirts. Our pricing starts at $22.99 for a single basic shirt with free shipping, but volume or in-store pickup discounts are certainly in play. Email or call us for a personal quote.

Local to Lansing, Illinois? Visit our store at 3516 Ridge Road, right next to Beggar's Pizza. Check our hours and get directions here.

So, what will you lay upon your chest? Your classic restored car? Grandchildren? Your favorite pet? The possibilities are nearly endless when you partner with Worldwide Shirts!

Worldwide Shirts Services

You Upload. We Print.

From Birthdays to Special Events, or just to showcase a favorite pet, car or your original artwork design, we'll print almost anything on the shirt of your choice!

Just upload your image or text with your order. Basic design manipulation included in your price.

Worldwide Shirts Design Examples

Clubs, Family Reunions or Birthday Party Shirts

Request a Callback for More Information